Friday, June 27, 2014

Post from June 19, 2014 - Aorta Pulse Hypersensitivity: The Human Metronome

Aorta Pulse Hypersensitivity:  The Human Metronome

Thin as I've ever been
under the weight of puberty
pulsing loudly in my body and mind
the sound of the universe or a heart working overtime
my hips tick-tock back and forth like I am a human metronome

weakness in the spine is where my body is disjointed
hard to keep my footing as my torso and hips move to the pulse, but without a purpose

lying in my bed I feel as if I'm in my little ship
the wake of the waking attempts to lull me into sleep

in the bath you can see the pulse through the skin like a tom-tom drum kicking from within

every high and low of the heartbeat adding a new layer to the experience of time

In 2013, a cardiologist confirmed that what was overwhelming me was a hypersensitivity to the aorta pulse.  He studied medicine in the military and said it was not uncommon in thin soldiers.  He said they used to just cut men open to see if it was a aorta aneurism or just a hypersensitivity.  They checked mine with an ultrasound.  It has taken over a year to become less sensitive to this odd rhythmic feeling.  It was complicated with the amplified sound of hyperthyroidism.  

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