Friday, July 4, 2014

The Thyroid and the Mind

I spent 3 weeks of my life, the maximum amount the health insurance company Blue Cross Blue Shield of Mississippi would pay for psychiatric hospitalization, in a psychiatric hospital with a toilet that would not flush properly.   The labs my mother convinced them to do showed hyperthyroidism, but I was only given anti-psychotic medication which did nothing other than make my pee smell of cream-of-wheat.  

The Thyroid and the Mind and Emotions/Thyroid Dysfunction and Mental Disorders

Please learn the symptoms of thyroid problems; hopefully, you will not have the catastrophic mind/body event I experienced at the end of 2012.

To find a qualified doctor:
I'm still waiting for my appointment and hoping my mind and body will naturally balance in the meantime.  I know problems need to be diagnosed when they are most acute.

1 comment:

  1. Review of Dr. Rebecca Boyd of Forward Health Solutions in Hattiesburg: She prefers to recommend an anti-wheat diet based on the book Wheat Belly over pursuing actual symptoms such as night sweats, which is a known symptom for both hyperthyroidism and low progesterone. Her agenda clouds her analytical mind from pursuing logical diagnosis and treatment options.
    There are scientific methods to determine food allergies and sensitives. Allergy doctors do modern blood tests. There is still the old fashion elimination diet which can determine which food or foods you are sensitive to; just go into it without a bias. Lifestyle diets should not be prescribed by doctors.
    You will get thorough lab tests on your hormones from Dr. Boyd.

    File a complaint with the Mississippi State Board of Medical Licensure:
